The LIFE Center is a 501 C-3 non-profit organization, and is partially funded by the Payne County Area United Way.
Fees for Services and Assistance Options:
Private Pay:
$11.44 per hour up to $91.52 per day
Aging Services:
Program administered by the Oklahoma Department of Human Services, pays all or partial fees for those whose income is below $2083 per month for a single individual or $4166 per month for a married couple. There is an application process that the Center staff can assist with.
The ADvantage Waiver program, administered by the Oklahoma State Department of Health Services, will pay 100% for Adult Day Services for adults who qualify. An individual must be financially eligible for Medicaid and in need of health related services to remain in their home. The staff will assist in the application process.
Veteran's Administration:
The Veteran's Administration covers 100% of the costs of services for veterans who qualify. In order to qualify, the family would need to request an order for Adult Day Services from the person's VA doctor.
Private and Group Insurers:
Adult Day services is covered by some Long Term Care insurance and may also be covered by employer's assistance programs (EAP). Adult Day services is NOT covered by health insurance or Medicare at this time.
*All fees paid by caregivers are 100% tax deductible.